Classic de Bono:
Positive Revolution

Classic de Bono:
Positive Revolution

It is not enough to be against things…

Over the years Dr Edward de Bono has shared great insights through his messages. This series of blogs revisits some of those highlights.

All the time the difference between “what is” thinking and “what can be” thinking becomes more distinct. It is amazing how far we can get and how powerful “what is” thinking has been. This involves recognising standard situations and applying standard solutions. That is what education is all about. That is what life is all about: the application of the appropriate routine. At the same time this sort of thinking means that we are operating at way below potential in terms of the use of existing information and technology. The design and constructive part of thinking have been so largely neglected because “doing things as they should be done” is both necessary, practical and teachable. My book “Handbook of a Positive Revolution” (Penguin) was written for Brazil but is increasingly being used around the world. It is not enough to be against things. It is not enough to point out what is wrong. Two days after my seminar to a coal mining company they came up with a new concept in mining: the first concept for eighty years. They think it will work and are very excited about it. The increase in production would be 40,000 tons (I am not sure whether this is per day or per week!). There is so much to be done if we move past complacency, negativity and the ridiculous adversarial system. Edward de Bono
, 1999 About the author: Dr Edward de Bono is a world leading authority on thinking skills. Creator of the famous Six Thinking Hats®, Lateral Thinking and many other workshops he has authored 62 books published in 32 languages. Holst is Dr Edward de Bono’s partner in Europe. Click here for more information about Dr de Bono and his tools. Would you like to change how people think? Consider adding Dr Edward de Bono’s tools to your portfolio and become an accredited de Bono trainer.]]>

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